Modern Slavery Act 2015
Research Garage Group Limited is totally committed to adopting and maintaining systems designed specifically to eliminate slavery and human trafficking from all parts of their business and supply chain
Mission Statement:
Driven by Value Powered by Trust
Research Garage Group Limited is a family run business trading out of sites in Warwickshire and Leicestershire and comprises three automotive dealerships supplying Peugeot, Fiat, Abarth, Alfa Romeo, Jeep and Fiat Professional vehicles
The Group also has a large selection of high-quality used vehicles at their dealerships
The business has over fifty years of Motor Trade experience
The group adheres to the following principles and requires the same from their supply chain
- The rejection of the use of forced or child labour in any form
- Recognition of the right to freedom of association in accordance with applicable laws
- Freedom from harassment and discrimination
- Safeguarding of employee health and safety
- A written contract of employment and a copy of the Company Handbook for all
- Guarantee of equal opportunities, fair working conditions, appropriate working hours, equal compensation and the right to training for all employees
Due Diligence
These actions will safeguard against human rights abuses
- Continual assessment of risks relating to slavery and trafficking throughout Research Garage Group Limited.
- Continual assessment of the standards of compliance expected within the code of conduct policy issued to employees and associates via handbook and posters.
- Continual communication and discussion of the Group’s modern slavery policy with employees.
- Continual assurance that a confidential reporting line is available in all dealerships.
- Training given to management teams enabling them to assess and report on any issues concerning modern slavery.
- Expect and monitor the same high level of policy adherence from associates and the supply chain.
We will never be complacent regarding modern slavery and will continue to seek, identify and manage any potential risks within Research Garage Group Limited.
We have endeavoured to put safety precautions in place to ensure the working practices of our direct employees or those with whom we have contractual arrangements have a similar zero tolerance to modern slavery.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54 of The Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Research Garage Group Limited’s Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the Financial Year to 31st December 2024.
Signed by
Ian Rawson-Mackenzie Managing Director
on behalf of Research of Research Garage Group Limited

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